Our Locations

Where to find us

We are located at 30/23 Norton Street, Leichhardt, NSW, 2040, Australia.

***Our shop front is closed Friday 3rd May***

Opening Hours - Tuesday to Friday, 8am-4pm

We love visiting different places!

Updated 8/3/24 

Find us at:

🍫 Beecroft Place (9th March)

🍫 Deepwater Plaza (9th March)

🍫 Woolworths Kirrawee (8th and 9th March)

Expect us at some point to visit your local farmers market, night market, local district mums event, school fete, office lobby, retirement village, or local shopping centre! We list where we will be at each weekend on our Instagram page.

In any case, we make our best effort to attend the following markets: